Front and Center

Politics, society, and other random randomness

Tag Archives: Lehigh University

Don’t Use the Word “Break.” It’s Racist!

I’ve mentioned MSNBC’s Ed Schultz as someone who comes up with the most outlandish garbage, and no one ever checks him over it.  Fortunately, not many people watch him or his show.

Courtesy of Mr. Schultz, I have now learned something new!  “Break” is a racist term!  Didn’t know that?  I didn’t either.

See, Schultz is now on the taking shots at current GOP frontrunner Herman Cain.  Cain mentioned SC Senator Jim DeMint as a possible VP candidate.  DeMint, back in 2009, during the debate stages of what would become Obamacare, said that if Republicans could stop him, it would be Obama’s “Waterloo.”  For those at home, Waterloo was where Napoleon was defeated for the last time and marked an end to his reign as French emperor, and the term is often used to describe someone’s last stand and final defeat.  But then, DeMint said that such a loss for Obama would “break him.”

Evidently, this is, as Schultz described it, “break” is “an old Southern, racist term.”

He then brings on a Dr. James Peterson, a professor of African Studies from Lehigh University, who concurs with him, saying that it is “a term that was used to destroy, mentally and physically, slaves during the institution of slavery in this country.”

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying what Dr. Peterson says about how the word was used back in slavery days is wrong.  What I find rediculous is that he would attach DeMint’s comments to such usage.  If I didn’t know any better, I’d say people have been using that very same term in that very same manner, with no racist overtones, for years.  Coaches talk about breaking the other team’s back at the end of the game.  Military planners talk of breaking the backs of the enemy.  Even Ivan Drago told Rocky Balboa “I must break you” before their fight in “Rocky V.”  Was he a Russian racist?

Wait, I forgot.  DeMint is supported by the Tea Party.  AND he’s from a Southern state.  Put those in the mix, and I guess he really is racist!  Right?